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Defence and Garrison Museum

The Defence and Garrison Museum in Aalborg, Denmark, covers all parts of the Danish Total Defence organization. All the exhibitions tell the story on development within the Army, the Air Force, the Home Guard, the Police, and the Rescue Services with emphasis on the period since the Second World War.

For more information and enquiries please contact Aalborg Forsvars- og, Garnisonsmuseum, Skydebanevej 22, 9000 Aalborg, Tel: +45 98 12 88 21, E-mail:

Defence and Garrison Museum

View of the exhibition in the hangar at Aalborg Defence and Garrrison Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum is a historical and cultural museum in the city of Aalborg in Denmark. The museum was founded in 1863. The museum serves to present the history of the city and the surrounding region for the past 1000 years. Of particular interest is the Aalborgstue display. 'The best preserved middle class Renaissance interior' in Denmark. It also has a large collection of clothing and textiles items from the 18th century to the present. The Aalborg Historical Museum has rotating exhibitions from its large collections. It is particularly noted for its fine silver and glass collections.

For more information and enquiries please contact North Jutland Museum of History, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg, Tel: +45 99 31 74 00

Aalborg Historical Museum
Entrance to The Aalborg Historical Museum
Photograph taken by Christian Carstens

Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg in Aalborg, Denmark, was designed by Elissa and Alvar Aalto and Jean-Jacques Baruel, and built between 1968-1972. The outer walls and a large part of the flooring were made from carrara marble, and the light-colored building material gives prominence to the art works. The outer walls and a large part of the flooring were made from carrara marble, and the light-colored building material gives prominence to the art works.

For more information and enquiries please contact ART - Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Kong Christians Allé 50, 9000 Aalborg, +45 99 82 41 00, E-mail:

Kunsten Museum Of Modern Art

Kunsten Museum Of Modern Art Aalborg, seen from above

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