Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Geneva) The Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Museum of Art and History) is the largest art museum in Geneva, Switzerland. The archaeology section displays findings from European prehistory, ancient Egypt, the Kerma culture of Sudan, the Near East, ancient Greece, and Roman and pre-Roman Italy, as well as a numismatic cabinet. The applied art section has collections of Byzantine art, icons, weapons from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, silverware and tinware, musical instruments and textiles. The complete interior furnishing and wood panelling from several rooms of the Lower Castle Zizers (late 17th century) have been built into the museum. The fine art section has collections of paintings from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, with pictures by the Italian, Dutch, French, English, Genevan and Swiss Schools.
For more information and enquiries please contact Musée d'art et d'histoire,
Rue Charles-Galland 2,
CH-1206, Tel: +41 (0)22 418 26 00, E-mail: mah@ville-ge.ch
 Main facade of the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire
Musée RathThe Musée Rath is an art museum in Geneva, Switzerland. It is used exclusively for temporary exhibitions. It is located on Place Neuve, in front of the old city walls and next to the Grand Théâtre and the Conservatoire de Musique. It was built between 1824 and 1826 by the architect Samuel Vaucher. Vaucher designed the building as a temple of the muses, inspired by Ancient Greek temples. The Musée Rath was the first purpose-built art museum in Switzerland. At first it was used for permanent and temporary exhibitions, as well as art teaching and as a cultural meeting place. By 1880 the museum was too small for its collections. Since the opening of the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in 1910, the Musée Rath has been devoted to temporary exhibitions.
For more information and enquiries please contact Musée Rath, Place Neuve,
CH - 1204 Genève, Tel: +41 22 418 33 40, E-mail: mah@ville-ge.ch
 Entrance to the Musée Rath
Musée ArianaThe Musée Ariana, also known as the Musée suisse de la céramique et du verre, is a museum in Geneva, Switzerland. It is devoted to ceramic and glass artwork, and contains around 20,000 objects from the last 1,200 years, representing the historic, geographic, artistic and technological breadth of glass and ceramic manufacture during this time. The collection is the only one of its kind in Switzerland. Parts of the collection have been dispatched to other museums while the Musée Ariana has acquired new exhibits in exchange, in order to focus the collection on glass and ceramics.
For more information and enquiries please contact Musée Ariana, 10 av. de la Paix, CH - 1202 Genève 3, Tel: +41 22 418 54 50, E-mail: ariana@ville-ge.ch
 Ariana Museum aka Swiss Museum of Ceramics and Glass in Geneva Photograph taken by Jorges
Natural History Museum of GenevaThe Natural History Museum of Geneva. is a natural history museum in Geneva, Switzerland. Louis Jurine’s collections of Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera are held by the museum.
For more information and enquiries please contact Natural History Museum,
1 route Malagnou,
CH-1208 Geneva, Switzerland, Tel: +41 22 418 63 00, E-mail: info.mhn@city.ge.ch
 Natural History Museum of Geneva Photograph taken by SimonP