Museum of Anatolian CivilizationsThe Museum of Anatolian Civilizations ) is located on the south side of Ankara Castle in the Atpazarı area in Ankara, Turkey. It consists of the old Ottoman Mahmut Paşa bazaar storage building, and the Kurşunlu Han. Today, Kurşunlu Han, used as an administrative building, houses the work rooms, library, conference hall, laboratory and workshop. The old bazaar building houses the exhibits. Within this Ottoman building, the museum has a number of exhibits of Anatolian archeology. They start with the Paleolithic era, and continue chronologically through the Neolithic, Early Bronze, Assyrian trading colonies, Hittite, Phrygian, Urartian, Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. There is also an extensive collection of artifacts from the excavations at Karain, Çatalhöyük, Hacılar, Canhasan, Beyce Sultan, Alacahöyük, Kültepe, Acemhöyük, Boğazköy (Gordion), Pazarlı, Altıntepe, Adilcevaz and Patnos as well as examples of several periods. The exhibits of gold, silver, glass, marble and bronze works date back as far as the second half of the first millennium BC. The coin collections, with examples ranging from the first minted money to modern times, represent the museum's rare cultural treasures.
For more information and enquiries please contact Sentinel Road No: 2 06240 Ulus, Ankara, Tel: +90 (312) 324 31 60 - 61 to 65, E-mail: anmedmuz@ttnet.net.tr / anmedmuz@gmail.com
 Court and entrance to The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Photograph taken by Bjĝrn Christian Tĝrrissen
State Art and Sculpture MuseumThe State Art and Sculpture Museum is located near to the Ethnography Museum and houses a rich collection of Turkish art from the late 19th century to the present day. Today the museum, is a center of art at which the most outstanding works of the artists who played important roles in the development of Turkish Painting and Sculpture Arts. In addition to the collections of art works reflecting to formation and the development periods of Turkish Plastic Arts. In the historical hall which has been transformed to its original design during the restorations, different kinds of activities such as concerts, theatrical performances and movie projections take place.
For more information and enquiries please contact Gündoğdu Mh.
06230 Çankaya/Ankara Province, Turkey, Tel: (0 312) 311 82 64
 Entrance to The State Art and Sculpture Museu
AnıtkabirAnıtkabir is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence and the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey. It is located in Ankara and was designed by architects Professor Emin Onat and Assistant Professor Orhan Arda. The site is also the final resting place of İsmet İnönü, the second President of Turkey, who was interred there after he died in 1973. His tomb faces the Atatürk Mausoleum, on the opposite side of the Ceremonial Ground. There are four main parts to Anıtkabir: the Road of Lions, the Ceremonial Plaza, the Hall of Honor (location of Atatürk's tomb) and the Peace Park that surrounds the monument.
For more information and enquiries please telephone: (0312) 231 18 / 61(0312) 231 18 61 or contact cem@ikikule.com
 Anıtkabir seen from the front